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Monthly Archives: December 2023

15 Thai herbs used to treat shingles

15 Thai herbs used to treat shingles Seledpangpon is not the only herb that can help relieve and treat shingles. But there are also other types of herbs. There are many more that help relieve symptoms very well. Today we have 20 herbs to treat shingles for

Treatment for shingles

Treatment for shingles The medicines your doctor normally prescribes Treatment for shingles to treat symptoms of shingles will not kill the virus. But it can only reduce inflammation. The virus will return to be embedded in the nerve ganglia as before. If the body is in a weakened

Lower left abdominal pain  Risk of disease as follows:

Lower left abdominal pain  Risk of disease as follows: herniaIt can said that another worrying symptom. Because a hernia condition in which the intestines flow through the abdominal wall and concentrate in one area. It is not limite to only happening to men. But this condition can also occur