Shingles a skin disease that can be treated With local Thai herbs

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Shingles a skin disease that can be treated With local Thai herbs

Diseases that can occur anywhere, at any time, no matter. What season it is. We know it well as ” Shingles ”  , although it is not a disease that is widely talk about in our country. But it is something that makes us take care of our health and strength in order to prevent such diseases.

Shingles , or its English name is Herpes Zoster, is considered a type of skin disease. It is caused by the same virus that causes chickenpox, Varicella Zoster Virus or VZV.

When having chicken pox, the virus hides in various nerve ganglia of the body when the body is in a weak state. Lower immunity Stress occurs Sleeping at irregular times, lacking sleep, infected with HIV. or cancer This virus will multiply, resulting in blisters that become shingles.

Most patients with this disease are found in Thailand. Mostly found in adults and the elderly. It usually occurs on the skin of the body. Looks like a rash or longitudinal papilla But usually it grows in the lumbar area. or ribcage In some people, it may occur on the face, arms, or legs. It has one similar characteristic: it will occur only on one side of the body. Report from ufabet

What causes shingles?

Shingles is caused by a viral infection called Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV), the same virus that causes chickenpox The difference is that chickenpox can happen to anyone. But shingles only occurs in patients who have had chickenpox before. When such germs enter the body and cause chicken pox, Such germs will take refuge in the nerve ganglia. It can cause shingles later. The group of shingles patients found is usually the elderly. Including people with immune system problems or those using certain types of drug treatment, such as steroids, as well as those undergoing cancer treatment with radiology. or chemotherapy Because these people will have weaker immune systems than normal people. Therefore causing more risk than the general public.

Symptoms of shingles

Shingles is not serious and usually clears up on its own. In some patients, after the wound has healed, there may be nerve pain for a long time. Or there may complications.

As for some patients who had shingles and died. This may be due to the fact that the patient’s body is in a weak state and lacks a strong immune system. The stages of shingles can be divided into 3 stages:

  • Initial stage :  The patient will have pain and burning sensation in the skin without being able to find the cause. In this phase, the patient’s immune system is lowered.          
  • Phase 2 :  After 2 – 3 days, the patient will begin to develop a red rash on the skin. Then it will turn into a clear water blister. arranged in groups It runs along a group of nerves in the body, such as along the arms, legs, back, or around the waist.
  • Phase 3 :  After the wound has scabbed, dried, and healed, most patients still have pain and burning along the lines of the wound. In some patients, it may take a long time to recover. It all depends on the strength of each person’s immunity.

Shingles is easily transmitted by contact. The contagious stage is a rash, clear blisters and a scab. For those who have never had chicken pox before If you come into contact with a patient who has shingles, that person will get chickenpox first.