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Tag Archives: Health

“Eating spicy food” often causes what kind of disease?

“Spicy” Some people may have known that “spicy” is not a flavor, but rather a pain that is perceived from certain compounds in chili peppers. Still, we have to admit that spicy food is a favorite of many people. Especially Thai people Because it can increase your appetite. However, the food

15 Thai herbs used to treat shingles

15 Thai herbs used to treat shingles Seledpangpon is not the only herb that can help relieve and treat shingles. But there are also other types of herbs. There are many more that help relieve symptoms very well. Today we have 20 herbs to treat shingles for

How to notice symptoms “Muscle weakness” If you have symptoms

How to notice symptoms “Muscle weakness” If you have symptoms, you should see a doctor immediately. Some people may have seen the elderly before. or even a working day Have abnormal symptoms such as muscle spasms Difficulty controlling various organs, speaking and swallowing are abnormal. These symptoms are dangerous signs

Treating caffeine allergy

Treating caffeine allergy Caffeine intolerance may treate in a number of ways: Avoid contact with allergens. It may be the best way to prevent allergic reactions. By avoiding eating or drinking foods that contain caffeine such as coffee, tea, soft drinks, chocolate, energy drinks, certain medications such

11 Dangerous Signs “Caffeine Allergy” Causes and Treatments

11 Dangerous Signs “Caffeine Allergy” Causes and Treatments Caffeine intolerance can occur in some people. This results in itching, swelling, redness of the skin, difficulty breathing, and palpitations more than usual. Caffeine intolerance can be caused by the body’s immune system reacting to caffeine as well as