11 Dangerous Signs “Caffeine Allergy” Causes and Treatments

Caffeine intolerance can occur in some people. This results in itching, swelling, redness of the skin, difficulty breathing, and palpitations more than usual. Caffeine intolerance can be caused by the body’s immune system reacting to caffeine as well as resistance to other foreign substances, genetics, and certain allergens or fungi in coffee beans. Contains caffeine to prevent the occurrence of an allergic reaction. Report from https://ufabet999.com
What are the symptoms of “caffeine intolerance”?
Caffeine intolerance is an allergic reaction that occurs when the body’s immune system resists caffeine as it fights against germs that enter the body. It causes allergic reactions such as inflammation, itching, swelling, redness of the skin, and difficulty breathing. This can cause unconsciousness or death.
Causes of caffeine intolerance
Usually when consuming food or drinks that contain caffeine. Caffeine is absorbed within the intestines into the bloodstream. Then the effect of caffeine will affect the functioning of various organs within the body. It may cause symptoms of insomnia, wakefulness, and restlessness. Because caffeine has a stimulating effect on the nerves. This is different from caffeine allergy symptoms. Because the body of a person who is allergic to caffeine will resist caffeine in the same way that it resists germs. The immune system produces antibodies such as Immunoglobulin E (Immunoglobulin E or lgE) that are responsible for eliminating foreign substances that enter the body. and stimulates cells to release histamine, which is a substance that helps fight allergic reactions such as inflammation, hives, itching, and swelling.
The cause of caffeine intolerance is unknown. But it could be due to some reasons such as
- genetic inheritance
- production process roasting and dusting That comes with coffee beans can be an allergen.
- Aspergillus contamination (Aspergillus) and penicillium (Penicillium) that is resistant to heat in the roasting process. This could be the cause of an allergic reaction.
Danger signs caffeine allergy
Caffeine allergy symptoms usually occur quickly after exposure to the allergen. It may show the following symptoms:
- Cough, sneeze, stuffy nose, runny nose
- Wheezing
- Red eyes, itchy eyes, teary eyes
- hives, red rash, itching
- Swollen lips and tongue, itchy mouth, lips and tongue
- asthma symptoms, dermatitis
- Severe swelling of the eyes, lips, face, and tongue
- Difficulty breathing, wheezing sound have trouble speaking
- Cough, nausea, stomach pain, or vomiting
- dizzy Fast heartbeat, palpitations
- Shock, loss of consciousness or death